Search 000’s of images of vintage cricketers and teams of yesteryear
and purchase photographs and gift items with the chosen images
How to search:
Type in the name of a cricketer or County/Province/State/Country or the year
(N.B. for more comprehensive searches click on a club tag or enter words into the Advanced Search box at the bottom right of this page)
Welcome to Vintage Cricketers! Five years on from the inception and great success of our sister photo library Vintage Footballers in 2014, we are now delighted to offer you a photo library to enable you to view and purchase images of whatever size, and related products using those images, of a huge variety of cricketers. We offer images of thousands of pre First and Second World War cricketers and teams, the chance to enlarge them in various sizes, and the opportunity to buy a variety of bespoke designed products related to their image, from coffee mugs, fridge magnets and t-shirts to pretty much anything you want us to make.
We hope you find viewing the images of these men interesting, innovative and adventurous and that the site helps you to see them and the game of cricket in prior decades in a way you’ve not seen it before. You may be a cricket collector or historian, you could well be a family descendant looking for memorabilia of a cricketer in your family’s history, you may simply want fantastic pictures of classic players of the past.
This website has initially been inspired by the success of its sister football site, Vintage Footballers, where huge numbers of relatives with footballers in their families a few generations before have been helped to buy images in all kinds of ways. We now want to bring cricketers to the descendants of these men who achieved an incredible amount by getting to “first class” status, the top level of cricket. Whether they played in England, Australia, South Africa, India, New Zealand or the West Indies, we want to present their history and their images.
Families are proud of their past achievements and associations, and are keen to have images of their antecedents in their prime, both as individuals and as part of their club or national team. Those achievements, many decades later, still help to shape identities, associations, and give reason for pride.
We hope that you think the site is impressive and we welcome your feedback. We believe we can provide something that is useful to lots of people, fun for many, and we look forward to welcoming you back to the site on a regular basis. There is a lot more content that we are developing for the site, so please if your cricketer isn’t listed, contact us as we will probably have a photograph somewhere! We also have a Facebook page under the title Vintage Cricketers where we’d love you to LIKE the page and leave comments, and also to SHARE our articles of interest on your own Facebook page.
Cricketer Images
A word about the images, it’s really important… Many are excellent considering their age, typically between 80 and 140 years old, taken with cameras that are miles behind the quality that we take for granted in the modern age. Some images are worn and some are not all that clear, some are as good an image we have of a particular player, they may be the only image we have or even to anyone’s knowledge that there is, so for that reason we have sometimes chosen to publish photographs that aren’t as good as we’d like them to be, in particular of cricketers whose career was brief.
Some photographs of this age are inevitably damaged, blemished, creased, infested with white and black spots when viewed close up, and we go to enormous lengths to clean them as best we can to produce the best image possible. You will see we deliberately use above as a background image a photograph of an Australia team, approximately 140 years old. This has not been cleaned up and the blemishes are numerous!! We are often working with difficult substrates that refuse to clean easily. Sometimes the image we are re-producing is itself heavily pixillated. Please do not expect images to always be perfect, especially as often the original images we are reproducing are extremely small! Note also we can adjust images at your request. If there is a name and club we can often remove it, if you don’t like the colour tones we can soften them, etc.
When ordering and choosing enlargements you must consider the quality of the images and how they will look when blown up to a larger size. A good way is to “full screen” the image on your computer. If at all you are not happy with a particular photograph you’d like to order, please tell us and we can work further on it (which we always do when we get an order). Since this business started our techniques for cleaning photographs have improved as has our equipment! We can now get photographs to expand without losing much if any image quality, even if on your computer screen the image you see doesn’t expand well. But please forgive us when unfortunately the image is less than perfect. It’s often a case of “you should have seen it in the first place!!”.
Please also note that while our images are all 4-sided, their proportions vary from square to highly elongated for full length portraits, with many dimensions of rectangle in between. When printed they will fill the widest length or width of the advertised paper size, so for example a 12 x 18 elongated portrait will be 18 inches high. However it is likely there will be “trim” on two sides of an image unless its dimensions fit exactly. When we produce framed images, this trim is normally removed.

Jam Saheb of Nawanagar
Cambridge University, Sussex and England
1893 – 1920

Also the original images are often incredibly small, believe it or not, and if you saw the originals you’d be amazed at the result and understand how good they look considering they’ve been blown up 10+ times!! We are very proud of our image library, an incredible amount of work has gone into it, and we hope, with your help, to make it better. Please note that sometimes there may be a big difference between the date at which the image was published and when it was taken, we try where possible to estimate the date where it was taken if indeed it seems obviously different to the publication date. We also try where possible to identify the exact match or date an image was taken if there is enough evidence to make a judgement. We welcome assistance or correction if we’ve got it wrong, which is occasionally inevitable. Most importantly, all of that said, we hope you enjoy viewing them and reading the biographies of the players, which we have written in as many instances as possible by researching the players in as much detail as practicable. We welcome further information or corrections if we have our facts wrong.
We try to feature many on our Facebook Page, please see below and click to go there. Feel free to LIKE the page and SHARE images and articles of interest to your own Facebook account, or to blog about players on the Vintage Cricketers page, TAG people in a comment to draw their attention to any articles of interest… we love to hear your opinions and memories. Dealing with families in particular has so far produced several wonderful, sometimes uplifting, sometimes poignant stories. Helping people is a considerable part of the satisfaction behind operating the website.
Please note our delivery times on image purchases, whether on gifts or simple framed or unframed prints, are typically 10-14 days on top of the production time, so if you want to receive purchases in time for a specific date such as a birthday or for Christmas, you should order well in advance or contact Vintage Cricketers to discuss the expected production and delivery schedule for your chosen items, or special delivery options if you’re in a hurry.
Meantime, should you want to email us, please feel free to do so at