MacLaren Geoffrey Image 1 Lancashire 1902

MacLaren Geoffrey Image 1 Lancashire 1902


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Whalley Range, Manchester born Geoffrey MacLaren was educated at Harrow School and played for the School Eleven against Eton at Lord’s in 1902. He played his only two first class matches for Lancashire during the 1902 season, both under the captaincy of elder brother Archie, making his debut against Sussex at Old Trafford and retaining his place for the visit of Surrey in the next game. However he only managed 7 runs with the bat in those games, taking 2 wickets in those games for only 13 runs with a best performance of 1-5. In addition he later lived in Egypt for a time and played for Cairo against I Zingari in March 1914, followed by three matches for the Egyptian national side against the same opposition.

His elder brothers Archie and James also played for Lancashire, as did his uncle Alexander Rowley. Archie MacLaren was also an England Test match cricketer, playing 35 Tests, captaining the side on many occasions.

NB in the photograph he goes out to bat with Charles Eyre at Lord’s during the 1902 Eton v Harrow match.



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