Kelly JWJ Image 1 Ireland 1897

Kelly JWJ Image 1 Ireland 1897


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A mystery cricketer here, who may not even be a cricketer at all, ie he could be a rugby player for example. Kelly did not take part in a first class cricket match despite clearly representing Ireland as a sportsman, and probably as a cricketer. All further information is extremely welcome, please send a message to us using the contact form at the bottom left of this page.

Vintage Cricketers was founded in July 2019. There may be more photographs of this cricketer in the Vintage Cricketers library, which are due to be loaded in due course. In the meantime, please send a message to us using the contact form at the bottom left of this page and we can arrange to prepare and publish all images of this cricketer if you have a particular interest in him.



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